13 Publicity & Branding Tips To Get the Media Attention You Want

13 Publicity & Branding Tips To Get the Media Attention You Want

By now, you know that branding yourself is incredibly important. That is if you want to get your message to as many people as possible. The problem is, many authors don’t know where to start when it comes to publicity or branding. But you’re in the right place! Here are 13 publicity and branding tips to get you started.

But first, remember this: The easiest way to get publicity is to find out what a producer/editor wants and give it to them. It’s not about YOU…they want to know what you can do for THEM.

Make the media look good and you will get paid!

13 Publicity & Branding Tips

Now, onto my top 13 branding tips!

1. How much publicity can you get?

$10,000 a month at least. It’s simple but you have to follow a lot of steps. It snowballs…then people come knocking at your door. I teach this in the Coaching class. (Click here to learn more about my private coaching and other programs)

2. Start with “grassroots” and build out.

Try out the smaller or local stations/newspapers first. You crawl before you walk. Before you pitch CNN, how about pitching and getting on your local morning show first.

3. There are some PR companies that pay you for performances, not promises.

(Guarantees are what people want but it is expensive. Is PR or sales the goal?)

4. People can pay for interviews secured or pay $2,000 to $10,000 a month.

Decide what ROI before you shell out that much cash. Are you really going to sell that many books? Do you have a higher ticket item to make it worth it?

5. It’s never too early to get started with your publicity campaign.

Don’t listen to any other branding tips: 90 days is not too early to start! You can get pre-orders and you can plug your website. You can do seminars on your book topic for free to garner interest. (For more on why it’s never too early to start, check this out: Book Launch Basics for Success)

6. Give away books to get publicity.

Ask for reviews and have them post on Amazon and GoodReads.com


Need: Media kit (A folder with the pasted cover of the book on it. Then a press/media release, bio, testimonials, GOOD photographs). The media knows that you’re a professional if you have this.

8. Press releases.

Optimize them so people can find them high on Google. PRWEB.com and BlackPR.com are good ones. (see list below for more)

9. Write a column for a local paper or magazine for free in exchange for a plug for your book.

10. Newsletters

People are always looking for more content (Newspapers and broadcast) – so send out a newsletter to the media, send postcards, send emails.

11. Build Relationships with the media

…and other book clubs, church book clubs. Network!

12. Do teleseminars, podcasts or regular seminars – this establishes you as an expert.

13. Blog

You have to blog to let your voice be heard. Plus it ranks high in search engines. (It’s YOUR Brand online, the launching pad for your social media marketing campaign)

(Hoping to build your career as a speaker? Take a look at this post next for five tips to get chosen as a speaker)

Bonus Branding Tips: Places to post your press releases.

Getting media publicity generates a perception of trust. Branding is all about trust. It starts with the proper tool, the Press Release.

Even though you shouldn’t rely on these sites to get media coverage, they sure do help with search engine ranking. Most are free, but some do charge a very low fee.

Did you learn a lot from this post?

Here are three more to read next:

These branding tips were first published in 2012, but they were updated in 2021 just for you!

  • Rex Barnett says:

    This is tremendous information about getting publicity online!

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