Don’t Be Afraid, Keep Your Dream Alive – Don’t Let It Die [Video]

Don’t ever give up on you. That’s the chorus from the Yolanda Adams song that I love. I want to encourage you that no matter what is going on – keep your dreams alive.  KEEP THE FAITH.

My mission and calling is to help others “market” their message.  I am a promoter of positive people, publications and products. If it doesn’t inspire – I don’t promote it.  Branding begins with values.

I am branded for Christ.  

Yolanda Adams, if you ever get a chance to see her in person – Don’t miss it!  My client, Christian Tabernacle Church is hosting a Women’s Night Live event (see below) – and Yolanda will be there along with other special guests: Cheryl Martin, Arian Simone and Latrice Crawford.  It’s FREE! Check it out if you’re in the Detroit area =>

Here are three steps to get your courage back no matter what you’ve gone through recently:

  • Believe in yourself. Know your worth and demand your value. Keep dreaming big dreams, doing your vision board and saying your affirmations. Who cares what others think or what they don’t do for you? Be true to yourself. Stay on your path and stay excited about your goals – no matter what.
  • Keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. If you have to stop to rest, rest in the Lord. He will give you strength. Don’t panic – know God has a plan. Keep doing your part – and know God always come through. He is our “Superman.”
  • Have a coach or mentor that pushes you. Have a network that celebrates you. Know what type of people to stay away from and know who you need to show more gratitude towards. Who you hang are around is who you will become. Don’t “friend” everybody and follow only those who “get it” and are going places and believing God for big things.

mentoring with pam perry

