[Video] Build Your Brand like a Superstar 🌟 #fblive

Pam Perry BlackDoctor org

How do you want to build credibility and get visibility? Listen to this FB Live interview I did on BlackDoctor.org. 

Stephen Hart wrote in the April issue of  Speakers Magazine:

First impressions really do matter. Establishing a professional and polished personal brand requires that you define your brand’s visual elements, including your color(s), font(s), a logo, and high-quality photography. 

Secondly, clarify your brand’s message. If you’re confusing, you’re losing. Make sure your tribe (the people you’re trying to help solve a problem) can make sense of what you’re offering.


We discussed my career over the last few decades on how public relations has changed – and how during COVID-19 people really need to prepare for other streams of income and do business in a brand new way – online. 

If you’re ready to build your brand, launch your book or get out there to start speaking to wider audiences, join us at Ready – Set – Go – Speak Community. 

I walk you thru everything you need to do – and we have monthly experts you’ll have access to from the media. 


