Celebrating Life and Love: My Birthday Reflections on True Friendship

pam perry birthday

A Year Older, A Heart Fuller – it’s all about Friendship and Faith. As I celebrate another year of life, surrounded by love and joy, I’m reminded of what truly matters most to me: relationships. Being an only child, my friendships have always held a special place in my heart.

These aren’t just ordinary friendships; these are bonds that have stood the test of time. My friends are my sisters, my sister-girl friends. We are each other’s wind beneath our wings, the ride-or-die crew. We laugh together, cry together, and sometimes, we even want to kick some serious butt for each other. LOL!

the crew of pam

Take a look at these snapshots from my birthday celebration below. Here I am with my incredible friends, who have been with me for decades. We’ve shared over 50 years, 40 years, and 30 years of memories, and my daughter, who is my BFF, is part of this beautiful circle of love. She sees the joy and energy that my friends bring into my life, and she knows they were there even before she came into the picture. LOL! And then there’s my hubby, my rock, my heart.

pam perry birthday friends

My love language is words of affirmation, and my friends know just how extra I can be. They let me be my crazy self, accepting and loving me with no judgment. For years, they’ve given me cards that make me cry with their heartfelt messages. Though we don’t see each other often, when we do, it’s for all the important stuff. These relationships make me soar even higher.

aubrey and pam

These friendships are not just about fun and laughter; they are about love and support. When life throws challenges our way, we stand together. My friends give me energy, good vibes, and the strength to keep pushing forward. We are there for each other, no matter how busy life gets. Together, we can conquer the world.

All my friends love God, and we are prayer buddies too. Dianna, Portia, Clara, Sharron, Pam, Rose, and Sherrill – I love them all! Some I’ve known since kindergarten, Cass Tech High, Wayne State, or church. We all roll together now, supporting and accepting each other. These are friends in REAL LIFE, not just Facebook friends. LOL! Thank God for good friends. What a blessed birthday!

To all of you who are part of my world, I’ve got a special gift for you. Sign up for my P.A.M. Masterclass – my birthday gift to you!

Let’s continue to grow and support each other. God bless!

Sign up for my P.A.M. Masterclass here!

Thank you for being part of my journey.

Happy Birthday to me, and here’s to the power of true friendships!
